Thursday, August 27, 2020

They've all gone -- but for how long?

 After a complicated multi-week travel extravaganza, three of the college students are safely ensconsed on campus. The fourth one is remote learning from her private room at the grandparent's farm for an additional three weeks, until moving in at school in mid-September.

The whole process took two and a half weeks, two cars, about 4,500 miles of driving, one mail in Covid test, one pharmacy Covid test, two on-campus Covid tests, two 14-day serious quarantines, one 14-day self-isolation, one 48-hour campus quarantine, three safety pledges, two New York State travel forms, numerous health questionnaires, and many wristbands. I think Caroline is still wearing one. Still to come, another 500 miles of driving, 14 more days of self-isolation, one safety pledge, at least one more on-campus Covid test, and probably a couple more wristbands.

Rumor has it that unruly students have been sent home from campus for the semester -- mostly freshmen -- but that campus administrators have been effusive in their thanks to students who are following the rules. Hopefully, they all settle in and get to stay.

The Villanova portable chairs are out in full force.

We are trying to lower the levels of parental anxiety here in our empty nest (!) but the specter of imminent return hangs over us. Since that would theoretically involve a few thousand more miles of driving, and very unhappy children, we keep all our fingers and toes crossed that it doesn't happen.

I do get the feeling that while Grammy is as hopeful as the rest of us that Sabine gets to campus as scheduled in a few weeks, she is also secretly delighted to watch over Sabine's shoulder during the Zoom lectures. And I definitely heard, "Oh, the Early Crusades? These books look wonderful, can I read them?" If Sabine had to stay there a little longer, I just don't think Grammy would mind!

Sabine would mind, though.

Keep crossing all those fingers and toes, won't you?

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Rabbit Trivia

 Tim -- "Time for today's trivia . . . oh, this will be fun . . . Rabbits are known to . . ."

Linnea -- "ACK!! RABBITS?!? I don't want to hear this question!!"

Tim -- "Linnea, be quiet. Rabbits are known to express happiness by jumping in the air and turning around, sometimes turning a full 180 degrees. What is this adorable behavior called?"

Linnea -- "Adorable behavior? It doesn't say that. You put that in just to annoy me!"

Tim -- "I did not!! That is what it says!"

Linnea -- "Humpf."

Tim -- "So, any ideas?"

Bunny Bopping? Mad Hatter? No idea . . .

Linnea -- "I refuse to guess, since I don't accept the premise of the question."

Apparently, if rabbits did engage in this adorable behavior (which, per Linnea, is an impossibility, since they are not adorable), it would be called a Binky. 

We decided not to show Linnea any Rabbit Binky videos. Which are adorable. Shh . . . don't tell . . .

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Saga of the Sunflowers

One of the early features of this pandemic, remote learning, and lockdown was an across the board interest in home gardening. Whether to relieve personal boredom, occupy children, save on the grocery bill, or simply because we have more unstructured time, people have flocked to gardening this spring and summer. I grew up with gardening -- and when I say "gardening," I mean large plot in the backyard, much larger community garden plot requiring frequent after dinner and weekend visits, plus other produce by the bushel from the farmers market, leading to an enormous freezer full of fruit and veg and shelves of canned goods. I never had to worry about BPA lined cans, since pretty much everything I ate came from a Mason jar! My mother and my aunt once had a summer project where they took over the empty plot next door and raised 2,000 strawberry plants; that's the kind of gardening history I come from. 

Not surprisingly, I've always had at least an herb bed and a few tomato plants, even in the years when having young children kept me from real gardening. In the past ten years, I've expanded to raised beds, with some years more successful than others -- but always a plethora of green beans and fantastic sunflowers. Depending on the summer, I've had enough green beans from my little city plot to freeze, and sunflowers that attracted butterflies and goldfinches galore. Oddly, I can't seem to grow zucchini, which makes me feel like I'm not a "real" gardener, no matter my other levels of success.

One of the consequences of my upbringing in the garden -- daily tasks of planting, thinning, weeding, watering, harvesting, plus corn husking, cherry pitting, bean snapping, and apple coring -- was that I didn't put a whole lot of pressure on my own children to help. While they all know a weed from a bean plant, and how to shovel dirt, no one really exhibited a great interest in the garden. Until now.

Our Linnea needs to fill her time, so as not to drive herself (us) crazy. She is a hard worker, and has done landscape work in the past, along with various other jobs. Come April this year, already bored at home, we hear this:

"I'm so excited about gardening this year!! We have all these great beds, and we've done it before, and you love gardening, Mom! It's going to be great! I have it all planned out. Now, where do you get plants? Do you use seeds? When can we start? Isn't this awesome? I'm so excited!"

"It's a little early to plant in Minnesota, but you can start getting the beds ready."

"Too early to plant? Really? Why? What do you mean by get the beds ready? Can we plant soon? I want to get started!"

"Not before Mother's Day, Memorial Day is better."


Honestly, why is April too early to plant in MN? Did she not grow up here?

"Okay, Mom, here's the list, how do we get this stuff?"

"I think you'll need to do curbside pickup -- send an email with your list, they will call you."

Later . . .

"And I'd like two basil plants. . . you're out of basil? Spinach seeds? No?  What about cucumber plants? No? Maybe next week? Sunflower Seeds? Okay, I'll take the one pack . . ."

"Mom! They don't have ANYTHING!"

"You know, I've heard everyone is gardening . . ."

"Yeah, that's great, but we ALWAYS garden!! We should be able to get our stuff! At least we'll for sure get the sunflower seeds, plus Grammy gave me her seeds for giant sunflowers, I'm going to put those all along the back fence. This is going to be so fun!"

A couple of weeks later, with plenty of help from the family -- everyone was bored after all -- the gardens were planted (closer to Mother's Day than Memorial Day, because, Linnea) and the seedling watch began.

"Are the sunflowers up yet? Did you look? I'll go look! No, not yet."

"What about today? Any seedlings? No? Sigh."

"MOM!!! Sunflowers!! Come look!! This is so great!! Look,there's one there, and two there, and the giant sunflowers are up in the back, too! I'm so excited! Grammy says they grow fast, they'll be a foot tall in a month!"

The next day. . .

"Huh. I thought there was a seedling there. And there. Where did they go? There are a few more popping up, but some are missing."

"Hmm . . . well, Linnea, I think something ate them."

"What? Who would eat my sunflowers?"

"The rabbits."

"I don't think so. They are not getting my sunflowers."


Give her credit, over the next six weeks, Linnea replanted the front yard variety pack of sunflower seeds twice, and the back yard giant sunflowers three times. She fixed fencing, covered seedlings with cups overnight, covered seedlings with cups during the day, chased rabbits, looked up rabbit repellent recipes, stood over those sunflowers like a sentinel, to no avail. The rabbits have won. Year after year, we have enjoyed our garden filled with sunflowers. This year, not one sunflower survived the wildlife. Linnea is crushed, and spiteful towards rabbits. 

Last week . . .

"Hey, Linnea, I think there is a cat in the back yard, stalking a rabbit. Want to watch and see what happens?"

"You better believe I want to watch!! That cat better get that rabbit! I want to see it bite off its head!!" (Spiteful? Vengeful?)

"There is goes . . . is that cat going to get the rabbit?"

Nope. Rabbit wins that round.

By the way . . . they ate most of my green beans, too. Sigh.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Thinking Outside the Box

"Each student will be provided with a portable chair to facilitate moving classes outside when feasible." -- Villanova University COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan

Admittedly, there isn't much to smile about these days. The image of a few thousand college students zipping around campus with their matching navy blue Villanova University camp chairs, ready to convene outdoors at a moment's notice has provided a rare note of levity to our lives. Tim, who enjoys a bit of quirky, is delighted about his portable chair -- can't wait to see a picture, hopes it is sturdy enough to last well into the future, plans to bring it out to sit by the campfire with his own kids someday. He went so far as to consider sending a message to the university president, suggesting the the person who came up with the portable chair idea should receive a large and immediate raise.

There are pictures floating around Facebook of 1918 pandemic outdoor classrooms of elementary students, so the idea isn't new. But, students today are of much less hearty stock, and perhaps lack a willingness to both be outside in cooler temperatures and to carry around the extra weight of a chair. Tim, however, is ready to bundle up and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine right through the winter. To be fair, he did attend nature based preschool in Minnesota, where half the time was spent outside every single day. It's all about layering!

We aren't the only ones excited about the chair. Apparently, the Villanova Portable Chair has its own Instagram. Really.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

They Might go Back to College . . .

We are looking forward to welcoming students back to campus as scheduled in the fall.

Freshman in the Honors Program move in date, August 16th.

The University is paying close attention to state guidelines.

The University has convened a task force.

Your room assigment is . . .

Orientation will now be held virtually.

Decisions about the University Fall Semester will be made by June 30 . . .

July 1 . . .

After New York State provides additional guidelines . . .

July 15 . . . 

Please fill out this additional online form regarding university housing options.

Marshall Hall will now be the designated quarantine building, please be aware that your room assignment has changed.

Students willing to opt out of their housing contract, click here.

Financial Aid awards will be communicated by July 2 . . .

July 15 . . .

Before your first bill is due . . .

After we determine what funds are available . . .

Honors Program orientation has been canceled.

Kirk Douglas Hall will now be the designated quarantine building, please be aware that your room assignment has changed.

Your move in date range is August 14-16

August 20-22

August 23-25

Please sign up for a move in slot.

Your move in slot will be assigned to you.

If you need to change your move in time, please do so as soon as possible.

Changes to move in times will not be permitted.

All students must take a COVID-19 test 5-7 days prior to arriving on campus, and provide results on the student portal.

A COVID-19 test will be mailed to your home, please take it immediately and provide your results.

All students will be tested upon arrival.

No students will be tested unless showing symptoms or have had a known exposure.

Please consider getting a COVID-19 test before arriving on campus.

Based on current state guidelines, students will now be tested upon arrival.

The University will provide quarantine facilities for all students.

Quarantine facilities will provided, at a charge of $100 per day.

The University will provide all students with one reusable mask.

Two reusable masks.

All the masks students need.

The University will not be able to provide masks.

Please bring enough cloth masks for at least a week.

Student workers can wear their own masks.

Student workers cannot wear their own masks.

Please purchase a clear mask for your American Sign Language class.

Minnesota is now on the New York State 14 day quarantine list.

Minnesota has been removed from the New York State 14 day quarantine list.

Your new room assignment is . . .

You will receive your new room assignment on July 20.

Please fill out a housing form on July 20, then your new room will be assigned.

You will receive your new room assignment August 5.

All students must sign a campus pledge to follow all health guidelines.

We are confident that students will help us keep our community healthy.

We hope all students will follow the guidelines to protect our community.

Follow the guidelines to protect our community, or you will be asked to leave campus.

Your move in date is August 15 . . . August 22 . . . August 24 . . . we will notify you of your move in date on August 7.

No off campus visitors will be allowed.

One person can assist each student with move in.

You will be allowed one person to accompany you to campus, but they will not be allowed in the dormitory to assist with move in.

You may have two people help with your move in.

University students will only be allowed in their own dormitory.

Students may visit between dormitories after the first two weeks of the semester.

Please do not travel off campus.

Travel off campus is permitted within St. Lawrence County.

All fall breaks are canceled.

Students may remain on campus through the Thanksgiving break and finals.

All students must leave campus at Thanksgiving break, and complete the semester remotely.

The semester will end at Thanksgiving break.

Spring semester will begin on January 4 . . . January 11 . . . January 18 . . . January 25 . . .

Masks must be worn at all times when outside your room.

Masks can be removed for eating, as long as social distancing is maintained.

You can create a family unit in which you do not need to wear masks if social distancing is maintained.

Your family unit may include . .  .your roommate . . .your suitemates . . . single rooms sharing one bathroom . . . up to ten select individuals . . . your freshman seminar . . .

Please be aware that at any time during the semester, the University may be required to move to fully remote learning and all students will be asked to leave campus immediately.

If the University moves to fully remote learning, room and board will be partially refunded.

If the University moves to fully remote learning after 60% of the semester has been completed, there will be no refunds of room and board.

Decisions on refunds for room and board will be determined on a case by case basis.

Campus gatherings will be limited.

Clubs may continue to meet in small groups.

Parent's Weekend will be a series of exciting virtual events.

Homecoming will look different this year.

Reunion Weekend will be a series of exciting virtual events.

The rescheduled graduation ceremony for the Class of 2020 has been canceled.

Athletic events will look different this year.

No decision has been made about University athletics.

Intramural athletics have been canceled.

The University is committed to providing the same quality education you have come to expect, it will just look a little different.

We are looking forward to seeing students back on campus for another great year!

Friday, July 17, 2020

It's been a Minute

It's a good thing I'm not writing this blog for cash, huh? Things being what they were here in MN at the end of May and throughout June, it just felt terribly inappropriate to bring humor to all the trauma. Curfews, overheard helicopters, boarded up buildings, sadness and anger made it an overwhelming time. With all that comes a sense of inertia, and anxiety, and a feeling of dread that we will ever move forward with real change -- in ALL the areas that need it. Which is not to say we've been sitting here doing nothing, just that there hasn't been a strong spark for me personally to write about it. It is definitely a time to listen, learn, and absorb.

That being said, we're still here. All of us. The house has not gotten any bigger, and the temperature seems to get hotter every day, so we are feeling the pinch. If she could figure out a way to add air-conditioning, I'm pretty sure Caroline would pitch a tent in the yard, just to have her own space.

Not to worry, just because you weren't hearing about it, doesn't mean we don't have stories with which to entertain. Linnea still lives here, after all!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Blatherskite, continued

Linnea has a summer school class that started this week. Because her school is in New York State, the 9:00 AM start time is 8:00 AM here in Minnesota. Monday through Thursday, for six weeks. Linnea is not thrilled, mostly because she has decided, sensibly, that she needs to go to bed a bit earlier. As she shares a room with Caroline, who goes to bed later, we were able to get a full report of a recent conversation.

Linnea: "I got you something."

Caroline: "Oh, really? What did you get me?"

Linnea (exasperated): "I'm talking to Mom."

Caroline: "Oh. What did you get Mom?"

Linnea: "Ummmmmm . . . a flower."

Caroline: "Is it a pretty flower?"

Linnea: "Yesssss . . ."

Caroline: "What color is the flower? Is it purple?"

Linnea: "Ummmmm . . . I don't know?"

Caroline: "You don't know?"

Linnea (now wide awake): "Why are you talking to me?"
