Monday, August 11, 2014

Tacos? Yes! Taco Salad? No!

Apparently, I have only one salad eater in this family. Sabine thinks salad is great, and so for her first meal this week, she chose to serve taco salad. It seems that I have three others who are taco eaters, but are not interested in taco salad.

And the difference would be . . . ?

Tim's version of a taco -- Taco shell, rice, meat, lots of cheese

Caroline's version of a taco -- Taco shell, rice, meat, cheese, lettuce

Linnea's version of a taco -- Taco shell, rice, meat, cheese, tiny bit of lettuce

Sabine's taco salad -- Lots of lettuce, tomatoes, lots of meat and beans, cheese, chips, salsa, sour cream

Okay, there's a difference.

I honestly thought Tim was going to cry when I mixed the lettuce and tomatoes into the meat and beans. And the outcry over adding salsa to the whole thing was a sight to see! I succumbed to the complainers and we added salsa and sour cream at the table, but I still think they were being ridiculous.

Tim took a pretty decent sized portion and cleaned his plate of food.

Mom: "So, Tim, not bad, is it?"
Tim (hanging his head): "No, it was good, I guess."

Score one for Sabine!

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