Monday, April 6, 2020

Musical Interludes

We had a quiet moment yesterday afternoon, four of us in the living room with knitting, Sudoku puzzles, and a little homework.

Then Caroline started singing. First just some tuneless humming, then some recognizable tunes, then words. While Tim is the improv comedy expert in our house, Caroline was definitely holding her own with virus appropriate lyrics. It was entertaining to listen to her come up with the next line, often causing a chuckle from the others when the words were particularly good -- or particularly bad. Tim gave it a shot at one point, only to be told:

"Hey! No changing songs in the middle!"
"But you just changed tunes?"
"I was done that one."
"How do you know you are done?"
"Because it's my song."

And then. Hallelujah. You know the one. Starting out the way it does, with Caroline's creative words in place of the real lyrics, not sure where it would end up. And suddenly, I hear humming harmony coming in from the desk where Linnea was working. And no laughing anymore.

And finally . . .

"Social Distancing" sung by Caroline alone the first time. But on the repeat, Tim and Linnea join in, perfectly in tune, adding their voices to hers. Three verses by Caroline, with humming harmony, and the "social distancing" chorus sung by all three of them. It was sad, and funny, and lovely all at the same time.

They stopped singing after that. Because, it was their song. And they knew it was done.


  1. Glad you're having some fun (as opposed to funny) memorable moments.

  2. Wow, wish that was recorded!
