Sunday, August 17, 2014

Restaurant meals -- Tough on a budget

Sabine headed off to camp this afternoon (Camp Needlepoint, overnight camp for kids with diabetes -- awesome!), so she was certainly not expected to make dinner for us. When she first showed me her meal plan last weekend, I noticed a restaurant meal for today.

Mom: "Sabine, I see you have us eating out on Sunday."
Sabine: "Yeah, I won't be here, and I want to treat you."
Mom: "Do you think you will have enough money for that?"
Sabine: "Sure! I will set aside $50 right at the beginning and do the rest of the shopping with $200."
Mom: "Okay, that sounds really nice, but be aware that it might not work out."
Sabine: "No, it will work, I have a plan!"

I like her confidence, but really? Who comes home to an empty refrigerator after 10 days away and can possibly refill the larder on even less than the normal budget amount? Time for another lesson . . .

After her shopping on Monday, I asked if she had enough money left:

"Oh, yes! I have $102, plus $50 for dinner out."

On Tuesday:

"Yup, no problem!"

On Wednesday:

"Mom!! I am fine! You are eating out on Sunday!!"

On Thursday:

Mom: "Sabine, do you have chicken for tonight? And lunch food? And what about tomorrow's dinner?"
Sabine: "I need to go shopping for all that. And we need milk. And Tim is hungry."
Mom: "You know, it is okay if we make pizza or something at home on Sunday."
Sabine: "But I really want you to go out!"
Mom: "Do you really think you have enough money for that?"
Sabine (sadly): "No. I'll figure out something else."

Kind of broke my heart actually, she really wanted us to not worry about cooking when she was supposed to be here doing it. Sweet girl!

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