Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thanks -- A blogger does need her fans

I never intended to make this project as public as it became. Each summer, we try to do something that provides some structure or prevents the dreaded brain loss associated with the long vacation from school. Let's be clear, these children had plenty of down time, even with being responsible for two weeks of planning, shopping and some cooking. In fact, the project ended up taking far more of my time than theirs -- it takes a lot of focus to come up with a pithy and entertaining blog post almost every day!

When I put up my first Facebook post all those weeks ago, I was astonished by the interest people showed, and was still surprised towards the end when a blog entry would be someone's favorite. Really? After 42 posts, you still like what I have to say? Cool.

While you all may have dragged me kicking and screaming into writing the blog, it turned out to be as valuable an exercise for me as handling the grocery budget was for the teens. Some days, when keeping up with the project was hard, knowing you were out there waiting for the next story was the only reason I didn't snatch the money back from them, jump in the car and go out to lunch myself.

So, thanks for reading, sharing and commenting. I couldn't have done it without you!

That's it. We're done.

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