Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What I know, What I learned, What I wonder

What I know . . .

My kids are pretty awesome. They took on this challenge with good humor and willing spirits. They knew (with one brief exception) that they couldn't quit, and they all muddled through, even when they didn't really want to.

I know meal planning and grocery shopping are chores we do because we have to, and only occasionally because we want to. And that these are skills that need to be learned and perfected. I know that food always costs more than you think it will, and $250, while more than many people have, doesn't go as far as you need it to.

I know that parenting is hard, and sticking to your guns when teaching your children lessons is even harder. I know that they won't always like me. I can live with that.

What I learned . . .

Eight weeks is a long time. My children aren't always nice to each other. Hungry teens are crabby teens -- I probably knew that already!

I learned that you can provide a healthy diet for years, but when teens take control, they will revert back to chips and donuts. Even when they realize they aren't feeling well, they don't make the changes needed to feel better. Teens aren't necessarily lazy, but they do like to take the easy way out.

I also learned that I like being in control of my own diet. While I'm glad we did this, I am even happier to be back in charge and planning meals myself. I was hoping the kids would learn gratitude -- and they did, but I think I also learned to be more grateful, about the resources and skills I have to work with in my kitchen.

What I wonder . . .

Have I scarred them for life? Will they be restaurant eaters as adults because the trauma of planning and cooking themselves is just too much? Will they be more grateful? And kinder? Will they remember how far to stretch a dollar?

And, of course, what can I teach them next summer?

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