Monday, April 20, 2020

Let's Talk About Sabine

Today (Sunday, April 19) is Sabine's 18th birthday. You can imagine how this is going. The cake is baked and frosted (thanks, Tim!), there are presents, and her takeout meal of choice will be procured shortly. The highlight of her day was a visit by her two dear friends from school this morning. Proper social distancing occurred in the yard, after the two girls drove over separately -- even though the three house are basically in a straight line with one exactly halfway between. In normal circumstances, the girls would never be so frivolous as to drive two cars! Sabine would like it to be noted that she does not like the term "social distancing," preferring instead to say "personal distancing." I think she feels social distancing is an oxymoron, if you are being social, how are you also being distant?

We say things frequently in our house, like "I know it is tough, but we are all going through this," and "everybody is missing something they wanted to do," or "at least we like each other enough to tolerate being together." But, let's be real. Sabine is the one taking the biggest hit in our house.

Two months ago, Sabine and I were in New York City (yup, the epicenter, across the street from the law firm where the first case worked). She was there for an interview with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Two weeks later, we were in D.C., for an info session for the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. She has been accepted and paid a deposit for University of Mary Washington in Virginia, as part of their Honors Program. It is a great program, however, with potential options overseas, it was more of a backup plan than a first choice. But, one month ago, the world exploded, and with it, all the the second semester senior dreams and plans of our girl.

Being a senior stinks right now, high school or college. No prom, no final spring break trips, no graduation walks or parties, no jobs to be found, no certainty about the future. To make it worse for Sabine, her acceptances overseas were all based on tests she needs to take in May, either Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate. IB tests? Cancelled. (She isn't super fussed about not getting to take the tests, but she did really want to get some results -- it's a paradox!) Will American students be welcome abroad? Would we want her to go? So far, each week, Mary Washington moves another piece of orientation online; hardly the exciting introduction we would hope for to get her enthusiastic about her domestic option!

So, the list of negatives far outweighs the positives right now, but it is still her birthday. We're all together, even though we shouldn't be. She has a college to attend in some way in the fall, even if it isn't her first choice. Everyone in our house remains healthy -- a big plus with Sabine's status as one of the most vulnerable. And, there is cake.

Cake always outweighs the negatives, right?

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