Friday, April 3, 2020

The Things You Learn at Home While Distance Learning

Obviously, I'm not doing Distance Learning. I'm not really doing much of anything around here except staying out of the way. But I sure am learning things about my family!

I have decided there is a reason we encourage our children to grow up and move away. College students in particular hit a steep learning curve when they go from high school classes, Schoology accounts with assignment lists that parents can access, and the ability to fall back on a ride from dad or an early wake up call from mom, to total personal responsibility. And by total responsibility, I might mean freedom to do anything you want whenever you want without any silly input from your parents -- who think they know better, but, really "life is just so much different now, you just don't understand!" All three of our college students attend schools in New York and Pennsylvania, all over 1,000 miles away. Sometimes, it seems crazy that we supported and even hoped for that distance, but I now know it was for the best.

Observing my children's study habits is making me crazy.

8 AM -- Everybody is sleeping
9 AM -- "I've got lots of reading to do"
10 AM -- "I think I'll take a walk and maybe get some coffee"
11 AM -- "I'll just watch a couple YouTube videos before I get started"
12 PM -- Lunch!
1 PM -- "Boy, I've got a lot to do"
2 PM -- "Ten hours until that assignment is due"
3 PM -- "Ugh. I just don't feel like doing this work, I need a break"
4 PM -- Naptime!
5 PM -- "Ugh. This is so stupid"
6 PM -- Dinner!
7 PM -- "Let's watch a movie"
8 PM (from the curious parents) "Did you get all your work done?" "Mooommmm" (eye roll)
9 PM -- "I'm so tired"
10 PM -- "Guess I'd better start those readings I need to do for tomorrow"
11 PM -- "Ugh. I just can't do this right now, I'm going to bed"

Curious parents -- "What about that stuff that was due at midnight tonight?"

College student -- "What? The stuff due tonight? I totally did that already!"

What? When?

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