Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ah, the joys of summer camp!

And it isn't what you think! Now, I hear summer camp is a fabulous adventure -- I wouldn't know as I never actually went. (Mom, when you read this, I am not complaining, it is simply a fact that is relevant to this post!) Swimming, bugs, nature, camp food, hot nights sleeping in bunk beds; a right of passage. I am sure the girls I dropped off this afternoon for the weekend away will have a great time.

However . . .

Sabine could not be more delighted to have them out of her hair and not eating (or complaining about) her food choices! She now has four days of feeding a smaller number of people, and she gets to buy food with gluten for Tim. She'll eat it, too, but only if she moves fast. Tim is an easy customer, he is mostly interested in quantity, and Oreo cookies can still be had in a decent sized package for a way cheaper price than similar GF cookies. Linnea stretched her budget by baking, Sabine stretches hers with fairly inexpensive store bought cookies.

I am sure Caroline and Linnea are equally happy to have access to the food provided at their running camp. From experience, they know that it will be plentiful and frequent, with no labels on the bags saying, "Don't eat before Sunday!" What a change from the past few weeks.

I have to be honest, I'll miss the campers, but I won't be missing the complaints or the pitiful faces when the M&Ms are gone.

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