Wednesday, July 9, 2014

More Free Bagels

Free is good. Free bagels are filling for three of the four children. We like free. As July is a new month, Sabine got to take advantage of our free bagels for a year card, which helps out her breakfast and lunch menu, and keeps down the complaining.

At this point, Sabine has about $93 left, and didn't need to shop today. She has plans for a shopping trip on Friday ($5 rotisserie chickens), and may need to stop there tomorrow as well. Her meal plan looks better for the next few days, and she has laid out a list of bread starters that she needs me to make for her. Tonight I offered her tilapia from the freezer and kale from the garden, so we had a downright elegant meal. I can tell that it is harder for her to plan than it has been for the others. She is only 12, after all! I am doing a little bit more directing with her this week, but it seems to be going pretty well.

Based on yesterday's Facebook comments, it sounds like this project ranges from inspiring to intimidating. Some readers are rooting for Mom to keep going and add more rules, while other people are hoping for the kids to either be done or to get even more free rein than they already have. From "another week please" and "I vote for another circuit" to "I think they have learned their lesson," it seems that our fans have lots of opinions and suggestions. Since I am flying by the seat of my pants here, keep all the good ideas coming!

I can tell you, for sure, that we are doing another round. I always intended the first week to be an opportunity to make mistakes, and week two to be a chance to improve. I am not expecting any miracles, but I am expecting some vegetables.

Besides, if we get to August, someone will get another chance at the free bagels!

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