Tuesday, July 15, 2014

It's Tim Time Again!

Here we go! After a chat yesterday morning, Tim headed off to the store with Linnea, where he spent a little more than last time ($109) and came home with a few higher quality calories. He skipped the chip deal and bought carrots, bananas, salad greens and garlic. He even left all the donuts in the bakery case! There was a plan for lunch (chicken nachos) and turkey for sandwiches tomorrow.

Looking good so far, but . . .

Mom: "What is your plan for dinner?"
Tim: "Yeah, I'm not going to be here, so you can choose."
Mom: "From what?"
Tim: "Well, I got some chicken. Or you can have pasta."
Mom: "That's the plan?"
Tim: "Yeah. And I'm not going to be here tomorrow, so then you can have the other one."
Mom: "Did you get potatoes?"
Tim: "Nope, forgot those."
Mom: "Seriously?"
Tim: "Yeah. Sorry about that."

The best part about the beginning of Tim's week are the "Bags of paradox" that Andrew wrote about last night. It turns out that, while he respects the Sharpie labels on the snacks, Tim thinks they are a bit ridiculous. He decided to label things "tomorrow" and "not today" just to annoy his sisters. It's working. And the bags are still closed.

I really want some M&Ms . . .

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