Wednesday, July 16, 2014

New (and Improved?) Ground Rules

Now, if only they will follow the new rules. Which do involve vegetables and more cooking. And kindness. And lunch.

1) I need salad. You may not like it, and you don't have to eat it, but I need salad. And you should learn to like it, it's good for you.

2) Vegetables. Serve them. The garden is now producing beans, kale and spinach. Use them in good health!

3) Drink milk. Crystal Light is not a nourishing, muscle-building recovery food.

4) Lunch is an actual meal, for which we need actual food. Turkey and roast beef are great, but they go better with bread.

5) Cook. Bake.

6) Please do not buy as many snacks. I appreciate a good deal as much as the next person, but chips, pretzels and M&Ms fall into the same category as Crystal Light. Plus (and now I get to be selfish), if chips are here, I will eat them. I don't want to eat them. Or, I don't want to want to eat them. Or something like that. Although, if all the chip bags are labeled "Tomorrow," I am probably safe.

7) Each child will write a guest entry at the end of the week he/she shops. Your fans want to hear from you. And a little academic effort over the summer won't go to waste.

8) Have a good attitude, both when it is your turn and when it isn't. We are almost done, you can do this!

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