Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Things are going pretty well . . . for a Tuesday!

The only shopping done today was purchasing ground beef for the 4th of July burgers later in the week. As I am extremely picky about our ground beef, this required a stop at an out of the way co-op (again chauffeured by Tim) and a precious $6.00. Linnea has a lot of food from yesterday's extravaganza of grocery buying, but her nerves seem to be suffering a bit. There has been a lot of muttering:

"I should have bought bigger potatoes"
"I didn't make enough food"
"People are going to be hungry"
"Nobody likes it."

The dinner menu was loaded baked potatoes (Tim served these, too, why didn't I think of that?), and was absolutely delicious, enough food, and well received by her target audience. Not only that, it even included all the food groups. Go, broccoli!

I have noticed that Linnea is extremely tired. While she hasn't had any verbal meltdowns -- yet -- she is probably thinking constantly about doing a good job and is wearing out her brain. Each time she gets asked about future meals, she starts answering the question by talking through her entire plan.

"We're going to have pasta, with Alfredo, and peas, did I buy the peas? I did. Is there enough cream? Mom? Did you say there is enough? There is? Okay. And baguettes. Mom. You need to make the dough for that. On Wednesday. Can you make it Wednesday? Okay."

So, a much smoother Tuesday than we have had, but I think we are living with a duck right now. Smooth on the surface, paddling like crazy underneath!

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