Tuesday, July 8, 2014

What? No potatoes?

Personality differences and quirks are certainly coming out during this project! It never occurred to me that since Sabine doesn't like potatoes, she might not buy potatoes. Huh. Imagine my surprise when I looked in the potato bin this afternoon to find it empty. What? No potatoes? We are never out of potatoes.

Enter the Sabine factor. She doesn't like potatoes. Eats them, doesn't complain, but not her favorite. It doesn't bug me, really. Since she is a Type 1 Diabetic, avoiding carbs is a good thing; one or two small boiled potatoes on her plate is far preferable to a giant pile of mashed. But . . . the rest of us eat potatoes. Often. Kind of a food group for us.

Not for her!

Mom: "Sabine? Did you buy potatoes?"
Sabine: "No. Why would I buy potatoes?"
Mom: "Because we don't have any."
Sabine: "Oh."
Mom: "So, what are we having for dinner with the chicken?"
Sabine: "I dunno."
Mom: "Tim, when Sabine gets home from babysitting, please take her to the store."
Tim: "Why do I have to do it?"
Mom: "Because I am not leaving this house again today!" (I'll spare you the long story about that!)

Crisis averted. Or not . . .

I thought Sabine would be home at 4:00, but instead she got home at 5:00. There is no way she could get home at 5:00, go to the store with her brother to buy the potatoes, come home and have them in the pot and cooked for dinner at 5:30. Never going to happen. This was one of those days that the timing of dinner was not negotiable, as my runners need to digest before the evening team workout, and I couldn't go get the potatoes myself because Sabine has the money. Plus, I wasn't leaving the house again today, remember?

So, tonight's Nearly Meal (a term we use to refer to a dinner that is nearly a meal, but is missing a major food group or is lacking in sufficient quantities to satisfy everyone) consisted of homemade chicken nuggets and beans. Tasty, and exciting to eat beans from the garden, but not quite a meal.

Well, at least we had a vegetable.

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