Monday, July 28, 2014

Linnea's Charlie Brown Life

Since she was little, Linnea has often seemed like the Charlie Brown of our family. If the kids got four equal toys, hers would break first; her sisters have always had beautiful long hair, hers has never grown easily; she got glasses at age one, the others have perfect vision. It would make sense, then, that in our little project, if there was to be a week that was more complicated, she would get it.

And she has.

We are headed out of town for vacation on Friday. Initially, Linnea was excited about it being her week, "Great! I get to plan all the snacks and food for the trip!" She had it all laid out, how much money to spend on trip food, how much to buy for the four days at home, and even an allotment for takeout the night before we leave. She also thought through making sure the fridge is empty of perishables by Friday. It all seemed so easy.

Now, Monday, the first day of the week has arrived. Suddenly, not so easy.

Yesterday, I started hearing worry noises. "I don't want to spend too much tomorrow." "What do I really need to get?" "This is going to be really hard." And then today . . . "I shouldn't have gotten those snacks, I used too much money." "I didn't get what Tim likes, he's going to be hungry." "Oh, I forgot to get salad stuff for Mom."

In the car on the way to the store (again), she kept telling me how much she has to do, and how worried she is that people will go hungry in our 24 hours in the car. I think she is actually planning to overfeed us! I am going to help her by sitting down tomorrow morning with her to make a very specific list of what she is responsible for, when to make things and what to buy. On the one hand, it seems unfair that she gets this week, on the other, I'm not sure any of the other three are organized enough to pull it off.

I am going to keep thinking of this week as a unique opportunity for Linnea to use her mad skills, and not as another Charlie Brown moment. I'm also going to make sure her little duck legs don't go too crazy, paddling under the surface.

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